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Interlibrary Loan Round Table Online

The VT Interlibrary Loan Round Table meets quarterly on the second Tuesday of the month (alternating between 1-3 PM and 10 AM-12 PM). At the Round Table, we'll connect with library staff from across the Green Mountain State to share experiences, questions, and concerns about interlibrary loan. Please send any ideas you have for agenda items to Karalyn.Mark@Vermont.gov. All ideas for agenda items are most welcome! 

Meetings are held in February, May, August, and November. All ILL Round Table meetings will be held online via Teams, except for the August meeting, which will be held in-person annually. 

Tuesday, May 13, 2025
10:00am - 12:00pm
Time Zone:
Eastern Time - US & Canada (change)
This is an online event.
Event URL:

Event Organizer

Karalyn Mark

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                       This program is supported, in part, through the Institute of Museum and Library Services'  LSTA Grants to States.